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Robyn Everlasting Flower Bouquet

Robyn Everlasting Flower Bouquet

The Robyn everlasting flower bouquet is a classic from Peony Belles and was first created at the end of 2022. 

It is a natural bouquet with a playful twist. 


This bouquet contains pink, white, and yellow helichrysums. A purple flume, a poppy head, avena, delphinium, wheat grass and yellow bunny tails.


This bouquet comes gorgeously packaged with tissue paper, brown Kraft paper wrap and tied with raffia ribbon. 


They are wrapped in strong recyclable postage box. Each bouquet comes with a care guide to ensure you are aware of how to take care of your flowers.  


All the bouquets are fondly made by Kelly in her home and are professionally hand tied.


Due to the nature of this product, each bouquet may differ slightly to the product image. 


There are approximately 35 stems in each bouquet. 


This bouquet will last for years if cared for properly and are perfect for pollen suffers as they are non-allergenic. 



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